Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries in the World to Visit

Accepting the challenges and traveling the world is appreciable. Only courageous people can dare to move around the world. But it is advisable to get beforehand knowledge about the land you land on. 

Today’s blog post intends to warn you about the ten most dangerous countries to visit. If still, your curiosity compels you, this post will let you travel through these countries virtually, and you will conclude that you are not going to visit them.

Instead, you will put your input as a responsible inhabitant of the planet to bring ease and cool breeze to these countries burning with war, crime, chaos, and cruelty.

10. Iraq

Image of Iraq

Iraq is located in west Asia and has the richest cultural heritage among Arab countries. This country is home to several militants groups active in the state and responsible for kidnapping and armed attacks.

Iraq is one of the most dangerous countries to visit, as it’s not safe even for the civilians and local security forces. Traveling to any destination in Iraq is not recommended. 

9. Syria

Syria is the largest country in the middle east and has a 22 million population.

The civil war in the country makes it the most dangerous place to visit. Palmyra is worth visiting the ancient city in the Syrian desert.

Still, the country is tagged as the worst place to visit because of its military operations, chemical weapons, artillery, and aircraft bombing.

8. Yemen

Image of Yemen

Yemen is located in Western Asia and is famous for its crude oil and coffee. The country has a 29.16 million population dying of hunger.

Several terrorist groups in Yemen are involved in murder, kidnapping, armed attacks, and civilian victimization, making it dangerous to visit.  

The prime targeted sites in Yemen are shopping malls, transit hubs, public places, and Govt offices. Several countries have issued warnings not to travel to Yemen.  

7. Afghanistan

Image of Afghanistan

Afghanistan (Graveyard of Empires) is located in the heart of Asia and has a population above 38 million people. Afghanistan is a war-torn country consisting of jagged mountains and deserts. 

The presence of militant groups, kidnapping, hostage-taking, suicide bombing, and insurgent attacks makes it the most dangerous country to visit.

The country has seen decades of violence and bomb attacks. Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan and is the least safe city worldwide.

6. Somalia

Image of Somalia


Somalia is an East African country famous for its folk music and desert landscapes. The country is the home of the pirates, and there is no state protection in the country, which makes it one of the most dangerous countries to travel to.

The violent crimes in Somalia are common, and 2.6 million of the population is displaced internally (IDPs). It’s a stateless society with civil unrest and armed conflicts. 

5. Central African Republic

Image of Africa

The Central African Republic is the country with its political instability and ethnic conflicts, making it the most dangerous country to visit.

The country is located in Africa and bordered by Chad, Sudan, and the Republic of Congo. 

The country is rich in its natural resources like gold, diamond, and uranium, but still, poverty is at its peak. Both the locals and travelers are targeted for a robbery, homicide, kidnapping, and murder.

4. El Salvador

Image of El Salvador


El Salvador is the land of volcanoes and a mountainous country located in Central America. Frequent smuggling of drugs and weapons makes it one of the most dangerous countries to visit.

Crime is notably common in the country. The developing country with low educational standards is a battleground for gang wars.

3. Mexico

Image of Mexico


Mexico is a North American country famous for its richest linguistic diversity. Still, it attracts fewer tourists because of the country’s life-threatening law and order situation.

The drug trafficking syndicates are dominant in the country, and they are the reason for violent and nonviolent crimes in tourist areas. Tijuana, a Mexican city, is the most violent city worldwide.

2. Brazil

Image of Brazil


Brazil is the largest country in South America, having its coastline along the Atlantic Ocean.

It is a country of muggy beaches and magnificent waterfalls. The tourists don’t prefer to visit this beautiful land, as it’s notorious because of its high crime rate. 

Both petty and violent crimes are common, and there is deterrence everywhere. Nonviolent crimes like assaulting and pick-pocketing are common street crimes. The homicide rate in Brazil is pretty higher than the other North American countries.

1. Venezuela

Image of Venezuela

Venezuela is an underdeveloped country on the northern coast of South America with 28.52 million people. Even with beautiful tourist attractions, including its archipelago and island resorts, it is considered the most dangerous country to visit. 

Caracas, the country’s capital of Venezuela, is associated with violent crimes. It has the highest per capita murder rate.

Foreigners or tourists are the prime target and can be kidnapped easily from hotels and airport terminals.


The above discussion never means that you may stop to think about wandering and exploring the world. We shared this list of the worst countries to visit to inform you primarily and save your precious life. 

The need for the hour is that the world’s nations must gather on international forums to ponder the situation and bring peace and prosperity to these countries.


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